One Day a Week
What is your optimum setup for getting work done during working hours? Don't be fooled, it's not the same for everyone.
The SOLID Project is an initiative by Sir Tim Burners-Lee (yes, the inventor of the World Wide Web). The mission of SOLID is to repurpose the internet as a “medium for secure, decentralized exchange of public and private data.” This implementation is a Python wrapper that lets a user interact with a SOLID Pod, rather than the native NodeJS interface. The work on this project is in collaboration with Richard Larkin, a Python Kivy open source extraordinaire. The proposed enhancement is a first step towards increasing the footprint of SOLID.
Christie is the heroine of a multi-book series under construction. The book core chapters are complete and content will be leaked on this site, leading up to the first book release. Christie is a young girl in a world where time has fragmented, leading horrors from the future into a simple peaceful past. She seeks paradise and her real home, but needs to overcome an invisible enemy before she can behold what she seeks.
What is your optimum setup for getting work done during working hours? Don't be fooled, it's not the same for everyone.
Once there was a fox named Harold, or was he a man that looked like a fox? A dusty wanderer passed by Harold.
It's pertinent that we take stock of history, what the media is saying right now and what the truth is. Case studies of Meghan Markle, Caster Semenya and Margaret Mitchell are considered.
Every three weeks I'll write a motivational, leadership, tech or creative article; sent to your email inbox.